Meeting and conference tables
each activity has its own meeting space
To inspire you, we present you with a selection of modular and adaptable sets for your meeting rooms, boardrooms and conference rooms. The connectivity of some solutions will meet the new expectations of tomorrow's training and meeting spaces. The combinations of tables, colours, shapes, sizes and standards are endless, so don't hesitate to make an appointment for a visit to our showroom or to contact us. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible.
With FOLDING SURFACES, users can adjust their workspaces to suit their needs, whether they're tinkering, presenting or hosting a meeting - the space adapts to their needs.
Intelligently integrated power solutions, combined with the portability of batteries and complemented by mobile power units, ensure that these innovative surfaces are not only independent of traditional power sources, but also provide access to power at every edge of the surface.
Our Convo conference table, designed by Jehs + Laub, brings small and large groups of people together and encourages conversation. Whether in a meeting or working together - the organic shapes of Convo make people sit together instead of next to each other.
SLIDE connect inspireert met een grote verscheidenheid aan planbare zit- en stahoogteconfiguraties die zonder gereedschap kunnen worden gemonteerd, gedemonteerd en opnieuw geconfigureerd. Van individuele tafels tot grote teambanken, rechthoekig of rond, U-vormig, V-vormig of in rijen. Of de vrijstaande balie? De tafeldieptes variëren van 85 tot 155 cm. Kabels worden verticaal door het U-vormige profiel van de tafelpoten geleid.
With Pigreco the table is the protagonist of the space, fascinating in its simplicity, functional in its dimensions.
The rigour of the large beam with no intermediate leg transmits order and cleanliness and gives the environment a strong and exclusive personality.
Meeting table W. 3200 D. 1600 H. 765 mm. Wood and metal legs, white top, 30 mm or 14 mm thick.
A black and chrome leg, mixed to create different table shapes, is the basis of the Forum table. Available as rectangular, barrel or video-conference tables, this table offers various dimensions and top finishes in wood or cabinetry decor.
The ping-pong meeting table. Ping is a table that will give you energy. Here you combine exercise with relaxation, work with pleasure. This table allows you to gather, eat, read, play and do sports. Challenge your colleagues during your breaks.
Is it a sofa or a table? Level allows you to use it both as a meeting table and on the other side to sit on the side of the table. This allows you to create a different atmosphere during meetings.
Ermete est un espace large et suspendu qui vous permet de créer votre propre monde. Des surfaces larges et minces qui peuvent supporter des poids et des tailles importants sans nécessiter de pieds supplémentaires : ce n'est pas de la magie, c'est du design.Ermete is a wide, suspended space that lets you create your own world. Wide, thin surfaces that can support large weights and sizes without the need for extra legs: this isn't magic, it's design.
NoTable combines technology with refined design, and strength with lightness. Ergonomics, adaptability and customisation have always been the common denominator of the ICF collections: now the new table programmes are adjustable and transformable to make the working environment as pleasant as possible, both from an aesthetic and a practical point of view.
The connectors allow the beams and bases to be joined at different angles to create a variety of configurations.
The Intensive meeting table system offers solutions for different needs and technical requirements. For easy cable management: wide horizontal cable tray, totem pole for vertical feed. As an option, the cable duct can be enlarged to accommodate an overhead projector mounted on an arm/compass, which will disappear completely into the table after use.
La structure de la table, en polyuréthane compact, soutient le plateau circulaire composé de deux éléments : la couronne, en MDF peint, et le cercle central, en aluminium anodisé ou en marbre, qui tourne pour remplir différentes fonctions en fonction des moments de convivialité.
MANZÙ TABLE reflète la capacité d'Aliasà sélectionner un objet innovant du passé et à le transférer dans le monde contemporain avec des caractéristiques qui le rendent extrêmement actuel.
diamètre 140, 160, 180 cm
extra conference table
Simple, mais nécessaire
La gamme Extra a été élargie avec l'ajout de la table Extra Conference, dans laquelle les dimensions des plateaux ont été augmentées, des pieds intermédiaires ont été ajoutés pour créer de longues solutions de tables continues et une nouvelle option de base avec un pied cylindrique a été incorporée, où le plateau rectangulaire a des coins arrondis pour s'adapter à ce pied. Tout cela renforce sa polyvalence et ses possibilités dans les environnements d'entreprise et transcende le concept de table configurable avec des options de connectivité et de multimédia intégrées dans sa structure.
LAMINAR is a versatile table system whose formal identity is characterised by a refined, elegant and timeless design, capable of blending perfectly into different spaces and contexts, whether professional, contract or domestic. The elegant structure of the tables, made entirely from aluminium, identifies the aesthetics of this collection, which combines minimalism, lightness and robustness. The tables are available in three heights. The frame is available in a wide range of sizes and colours. The tops are available in a wide range of formats, materials and finishes to make them easy to integrate into different environments.
With an architectural, refined and timeless aesthetic, PLANIA is a complete collection of transverse tables that combine performance, flexibility and design. The PLANIA table system offers single-top tables in a wide range of sizes, as well as large modular tables with sectional tops of infinite dimensions.
Designed by Jonathan Prestwich, the harmoniously proportioned ESSENS tables combine versatility with aesthetic appeal. The meeting of two essential volumes in balance gives the legs a sculptural effect. The ESSENS transverse lines feature six models of legs in 100% recyclable polyethylene, offering the table an infinite variety of formats and dimensions. The original design makes it possible to configure tables in a single piece or in sections. The legs are designed to facilitate electrification, and the tables can be fitted with various sockets, chargers, electrical connectors and other connection accessories.
scherm en computer met hoge samenstelling voor vergaderingen met presentaties of videogesprekken
lage compositie die scherm en computer integreert voor vergaderingen met presentaties of videogesprekken
Barra work
Barra combines formal reduction with constructive logic. The tabletop, which appears to float, rests on two solid wood middle rails which support the tabletop and at their ends the two pairs of legs. The space between the two rails is used to conceal the cable duct and the elements required for the multimedia equipment. The tables are mainly suitable for conference rooms. But Barra Work can also be used as a universal work table or team workstation.
PFlex est un système de tables conçu pour s’adapter aux exigences des bureaux modernes. Les pieds en aluminium tréfilé, de forme ovale ou rectangulaire, créent des jeux de lignes et de lumière. Grâce à la modularité offerte, il est possible de personnaliser la profondeur, la largeur et les finitions du système afin de l’adapter à chaque espace de travail. Les accessoires et les solutions d’électrification de PFlex le rendent idéal pour les bureaux opérationnels, les bureaux de direction et les tables de réunion modulaires. L’utilisation de matériaux durables, comme l’aluminium extrudé complètement recyclable, répond aux exigences environnementales. Grâce à ses trois différentes hauteurs et à sa profondeur maximale de deux mètres, PFlex offre solidité et flexibilité.
Les plateaux droits ou ovales en panneau, en pierre ou avec un délicat insertion en verre, complétés par des pieds finement travaillés, sont des créations artisanales conçues pour donner aux salles de conférence le statut qu'elles méritent.
The mobile geometric tables in the Sirio collection are ideal for conference rooms and offer an interesting alternative to standard desks as an original work surface.
Sirio Mobile is the ideal choice for conference rooms. This multifunctional aid will be very useful during presentations, training sessions or brainstorming sessions.
Metro is a range of modular tables offering infinite possibilities in terms of shape and size. The T-, X- or Y-profiles can be assembled in a variety of ways to create a completely unique metro system. The Metro base can easily support a lot of weight and offers absolute stability, so you can determine the shape, size and materials of the table yourself. Metro is available in standard height, counter height and bar height.
PETAL. Une table délicate, douce comme les pétales d'une fleur.
PETAL est la nouvelle table de STUA. Cette table est dotée de pieds uniques en forme de pétales. Le plateau peut être ovale ou rond.
Finitions : chêne, noyer et gris chaud.
Dimensions ovales, avec deux pieds pétales : 100 x 200, 100 x 240 cm
Dimensions rondes, avec trois pieds pétales plus petits : Ø 120 cm
Designers : Jesús Gasca et Jon Gasca.